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Dream Big

Set your sight on the big prize. Never allow yourself to accept being just average. Always make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Remember those opportunities may be here today and gone tomorrow. Dream big and work hard and your Dreams will come true!

Monday, May 31, 2010

I hope everyone has a wonderful day of picnicking, barbecuing, and relaxing in the sun or whatever your plans are As a former veteran of the US Army I guess I'm a bit more sensitive about this day serving this great country was an honor. Fortunately I did not have to go to combat but during my tour of duty I was able to meet many brave men and woman who did. These brave men and woman who were no different than you and I laid their lives down for our Freedom and they truly deserve our thanks.Today if you meet a veteran I hope you take a moment and extend your hand and offer him or her a hearty hand shake of thanks. Thank you veterans for all you have done for we Americans, and may God Bless the USA!

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