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Dream Big

Set your sight on the big prize. Never allow yourself to accept being just average. Always make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Remember those opportunities may be here today and gone tomorrow. Dream big and work hard and your Dreams will come true!

Friday, June 11, 2010

John Wooden passed to glory last week and I've been thinking about how much of an impact he had on so many lives. The stories about his character and his humility is legendary; perhaps the greatest coach who ever lived, winning records that will never in our lifetime be surpassed, a motivator of young men and a molder of men hearts to work in harmony with one another. He did this at a time when that generations motto was"Reject Authority, get high and drop out"! Men like Coach come along as a gift to us all, like Abraham Lincoln (his hero) he existed on this earth at the right time and place in history. Through his Pyramid of Success he help shape men who lacked character and discipline to great leaders. To me he was like a modern day Solomon, like Solomon people would come from far and wide just to hear him pass along his sage advise and God given wisdom. Finally, Coach John Wooden once said "always be grateful and give thanks no matter how hard
things may be and to work hard and effectively that is the meaning of success. I couldn't quite figure out what that meant at the time I heard it, but as I applied this to my life I know now what he meant. Faith and trust in One greater than you or I will be more valued than any worldly possession you'll ever have. The book Wooden, A life time of Observations and Reflections On and Off the Court, by Couch John Wooden with Steve Jamison. is filled with a treasure trove of wisdom and will help bring to light what the Pyramid of Successbrings to you and I. Thank you Coach, for your life, your example of leadership, your humility, and of course your Pyramid of Success! I will strive to live these instructions and pass along your wisdom as long as I live.Other than Jesus Christ who has been my greatest influence and will
always be, John Wooden has had a very profound influence in my life.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jim Collins author of "Good to Great" , if you haven't read the book I highly recommend it. Never accept mediocrity or just being good there is a real solution to becoming GREAT in everything you do..